PDUSA Logo printed on the front with our GRIT motto on the back of each item. Both Men’s and women’s styles. This fundraiser apparel is available for ANY Para Paddlers, Support, family and friends to represent Paradragons USA!
FREE Shipping on $75 or more! Place your orders on or before SUN, FEB 9.
Order soon to Represent Paradragons USA wherever you paddle and play!
[VI description] All shirts are black with the Paradragons USA logo on the front. The United By GRIT logo is on the back with a small Paradragons USA logo on the lower back. The front logo is capital letters USA in blue. The inside of the letter U is the shape of a dragon boat paddle. The word "PARADRAGONS" runs across the USA letters with PARA in white, DRAGONS in red. The back logo is the words UNITED with the words BY GRIT underneath in a blocky grunge font. The words UNITED BY are in blue and GRIT is in red. The acronym words GOALS, RESPECT, INITIATIVE and TRAINING run across in between the 2 text lines in white. The logo is at a 20° angle.
All shirt and fabric descriptions and size charts are on the individual items in the web store.
Welcome to Paradragons USA!
This newly formed non-profit Para entity will offer and hold dragon boat camps, mini camps, and small group development weekends, as well as race with other dragon boat groups around the country
Join Us!
If you are interested in being a part of the Paradragons USA organization, please complete the online Interest Form so we know how you would like to participate and can keep you informed about upcoming camps and other activities.
Join Our Slack!
Another way to stay in-the-know is to join our Slack group, a great way to chat with other interested paddlers and keep updated on the latest news and happenings.

Join Your Friends!
Please share this website with any other paddlers you know who might be interested! More info coming to this site soon.
Questions? Comments?

Paradragons USA
Training Camps
We will be holding training camps and attending races throughout the country, in addition to local and regional training opportunities. Check back often as many of our events are limited registration. We will also post our Zoom Meeting dates here. Be sure to register and attend the meetings for the latest info and opportunity to ask questions.
ASL interpreters are available on the Zoom meetings.

"We all have choices. Grit is a choice.
Grit is the difference between a good athlete or a great athlete.
What’s your choice?"
— Mary Tran | Assistant Coach, West

Paradragons USA promotes the sport of dragon boat within the para athlete community as a nonprofit, tax exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Paradragons USA is a separate entity from and not associated with the United States Dragon Boat Federation (USDBF) and Team USA.